Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Devil Lake Trout Population Study - 872 Words

Genetic diversity is a measurement of the variation in the nucleotides, genes, chromosomes, whole genome or phenotype of an organism. An understanding of the genetic diversity of lake trout populations is required for effective conservation and management. The Devil Lake trout population has a higher mean heterozygosity than Loughborough Lake’s. Lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, is the keystone species in most northern temperate lakes in North America. They are the top carnivorous species in the fresh water lakes they inhabit and therefore are important in structuring the aquatic ecosystems in which they live. There are several reasons that the genetic variation is greater in Devil Lake. Fishing enthusiasts tend to remove the oldest and most heterozygous individuals. As humans continue to fish and populations begin to dwindle the lakes are restocked by fish bred in hatcheries. Some lakes have greater water temperature change throughout the year, the greater the change the high er the required fitness of the population in order to adequately adapt. If the environment in one lake is diverse it can lead to disruptive selection causing more variation in a populations genome. Loss of genetic diversity in natural populations has often been attributed to a severe reduction in population size. Testing of nine loci in three heavily fished areas concluded that all loci that were strongly polymorphic in the 1982 study showed a reduction in heterozygosity with the exception of oneShow MoreRelatedGenetic Diversity and Survival of the Fittest1447 Words   |  6 Pagesin a population at a particular gene locus. Genetic variation within a population is important in maintaining or increasing the fitness of members in the population and ultimately the survival of the species. Fitness is the ability for a species of a certain genotype to reproduce and is often times equal to the proportion of the individual’s genes in all the genes of the next generation. Positive correlations have been made between the heterozygosity at the loci and fitness of the Lake Trout, whichRead MoreAn Analysis of the Observed Heterozygosity of Lake Trout Essay1791 Words   |  8 PagesAn analysis of the observed heterozygosity of Lake Trout populations from three lakes: Devil, Eagle, and Loughborough, inferred from microsatellite genotypes. Abstract: This study was undertaken in order to compare the heterozygosity of three Lake Trout populations at various loci. Samples of twenty-five Lake Trout were collected from three lakes: Devil, Eagle and Loughborough, all three of which are situated north of Kingston, Ontario. An autoradiograph was used to analyze the genotypes ofRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagesgain sales. Pressure to include promotions (such as the couponing used by packaged-goods brands or the cash rebates used by automobile firms) makes it difficult to keep the brand-building effort on track. In addition, companies are dividing the population into smaller and more refined target markets, often reaching them with specialized media and distribution channels. It is tempting to develop different brand identities for some or all of these new target segments. Developing and managing multipleRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesexposure to marketing principles, if not to marketing practice. The intended market of the book comprises the following segments: âž ¡ Students reading for degrees involving marketing (especially MBA candidates and senior undergraduates following business studies programmes) âž ¡ Students of The Chartered Institute of Marketing who are preparing for the Marketing Planning paper in the CIM’s Diploma examinations âž ¡ Marketing practitioners who will benefit from a comprehensive review of current thinking in the field

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