Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lenz-Georg Buechner (In German) Essays - , Term Papers

Lenz-Georg Buechner (In German) Lenz Der psychisch leidende Schriftsteller Lenz gelangt nach einem Fu?marsch durchs Gebirge zum Pfarrer Oberlin in Waldbach. Dort wird er freundlich aufgenommen, versp?rt aber bereits in der Nacht wieder gro?e Unruhe. Sein n?chtliches Bad im Brunnen schreckt die M?gde auf. In den n?chsten Tagen begleitet er Oberlin auf dessen Besuche, immer wieder wird er von Angstzust?nden heimgesucht. Von Oberlin, der von seinem Theologiestudium erfahren hat, aufgefordert, h?lt er an einem Sonntag in der Kirche die Predigt, ger?t aber dadurch noch mehr in innere Aufruhr. Bei einem Besuch seines Freundes Kaufmann legt er sein ?sthetisches Konzept einer lebensnahen Kunst dar. Allm?hlich werden Lenz' Zust?nde h?ufiger und akuter. W?hrend einer n?chtlichen Wanderung gelangt er in eine H?tte, wo ein krankes M?dchen bei einem angeblich ?ber paranormale Kr?fte verf?genden Mann untergebracht ist. Er ?bernachtet dort und kehrt verwirrt nach Waldbach zur?ck. Einige Tage sp?ter erf?hrt er vom Tod eines Kindes in F ouday. Im Bergewand begibt er sich dorthin und versucht, es wieder zum Leben zu erwecken. Mehrmals erz?hlt er andeutungsweise von einer ungl?cklichen Liebesgeschichte und ist ?berzeugt, Friederike, seine Geliebte, sei gestorben. Als Lenz' geistige Verwirrung weiter zunimmt und mehrere Selbstmordversuche folgen, entschlie?t sich Oberlin, ihn nach Stra?burg zu bringen. Die Novelle endet mit der Fahrt dorthin, der inzwischen von drei M?nnern bewachte Lenz ist in absolute Apathie verfallen. Book Reports

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Why Eastern Culture Religions May Be Appealing To The Western Culture

Since the beginning of â€Å"time† man has questioned their existence and what has caused their creation. Through my readings I have read numerous theories, ideas, and beliefs. Some drastically contrast, and others simply elaborate on previous hypotheses. These projected explanations of our existence, can cause great confusion and uncertainty. This confusion, I have found through my readings, is predominantly found in the Western philosophies. We either question or find reasons to believe in the very existence of a divine creator or even existence of our own being as well. This uncertainty within the Western culture is what led me to choose this question. After reading about the Eastern religious traditions I was very attracted to the fact that the idea of God is never questioned as greatly opposed as it is in the Western culture. This in itself is where I think a violent and unjust world evolved. Without the belief of a creator, life can seem depressing, and could possibly cause one to not care about their life which as a result they do not care about others lives. A second quality that attracted me greatly was that they do not practice a threat of eternal damnation. Our so-called hell that we have thought to believe is basically torture for not following the life that some say is the word of God. I have always been very curious as to what happens to those of us on earth that were uneducated about religion or those that died young. The Buddhists believe in Karma. I have always based my own actions around a Karma based aim unknowingly that this was a Buddhist belief. With these two key beliefs I do in fact find the eastern culture appealing in these areas. Although I do not plan on converting any time soon I can see where a Westerner could be attracted to the Eastern culture, when before reading this chapter I hypothesized that Eastern cultures were ancient and obsolete.... Free Essays on Why Eastern Culture Religions May Be Appealing To The Western Culture Free Essays on Why Eastern Culture Religions May Be Appealing To The Western Culture Since the beginning of â€Å"time† man has questioned their existence and what has caused their creation. Through my readings I have read numerous theories, ideas, and beliefs. Some drastically contrast, and others simply elaborate on previous hypotheses. These projected explanations of our existence, can cause great confusion and uncertainty. This confusion, I have found through my readings, is predominantly found in the Western philosophies. We either question or find reasons to believe in the very existence of a divine creator or even existence of our own being as well. This uncertainty within the Western culture is what led me to choose this question. After reading about the Eastern religious traditions I was very attracted to the fact that the idea of God is never questioned as greatly opposed as it is in the Western culture. This in itself is where I think a violent and unjust world evolved. Without the belief of a creator, life can seem depressing, and could possibly cause one to not care about their life which as a result they do not care about others lives. A second quality that attracted me greatly was that they do not practice a threat of eternal damnation. Our so-called hell that we have thought to believe is basically torture for not following the life that some say is the word of God. I have always been very curious as to what happens to those of us on earth that were uneducated about religion or those that died young. The Buddhists believe in Karma. I have always based my own actions around a Karma based aim unknowingly that this was a Buddhist belief. With these two key beliefs I do in fact find the eastern culture appealing in these areas. Although I do not plan on converting any time soon I can see where a Westerner could be attracted to the Eastern culture, when before reading this chapter I hypothesized that Eastern cultures were ancient and obsolete....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review McDonald's Organizational Chart Assignment

Review McDonald's Organizational Chart - Assignment Example In the case of McDonald’s organizational chart, the top management is headed by the chief executive officer called James A Skinner (Narapareddy, 2009). Just below the Chief executive there are vice presidents who are also the heads of the company’s different functional units. These functional units are managed from the head office and divided into smaller group managers in different markets where the company operates. These include group president – McDonalds Canada, president – MacDonald’s Asia/pacific, Middle East and Canada; Chief Operating officer – McDonald’s USA and the president of McDonald’s USA (Narapareddy, 2009). The group leaders in different markets are then divided into different divisions e.g. President – central division for McDonald’s USA, East Division for McDonald’s USA, West Division for McDonald’s USA etc. The company’s multidivisional structure therefore represents a geogr aphical structure with four important segments: McDonald’s – USA, McDonald’s – Europe, McDonald’s – Asia/pacific, Middle East and Africa; and McDonald’s – other countries and corporate (Narapareddy, 2009). This structure is a typical example of a multidivisional structure where divisions are managed geographically; each divisional manager managing a given geographical region. This is because theory suggests that multidivisional or divisional organizational chart marks off an organizational structure according to the demands of different markets, customers and products in their given business environment. In the case of McDonald’s organizational chart, the different divisions represent the demands of different geographical markets as illustrated in the organizational chart. McDonald’s organizational chart is a good chart representing a successful structure of the company. However, there are various improvements whi ch I could recommend for the organizational structure. First, I recommend that the divisions of the company should be based not only on the geographical markets but also the products of the company. For instance, the company may have food division, grocery division and beverages division. Another recommendation which I think can be more beneficial for the company is to increase the geographical divisions so as to reduce the burden of the divisional managers. For instance, McDonald’s Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa division may be divided into three divisions: McDonald’s Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa as different divisions not as a single division. The company should also divide McDonald’s Canada and Latin America division into three divisions namely Latin America Division, Canada Division and Mexico division. Europe’s division may also be divided into Eastern Europe and Western Europe divisions. Finally, a good recommendation for the companyâ €™s organizational structure is for the company to establish a central division which offers central services such as finance, CSR and other centrally managed services of the company. These central services are conducted with a direct link to the various divisions through an integrative, participative and proactive system which ensures that there is an effective information flow from the top management through different management levels to the various divisions of the company (Rollinson 2008). Despite the various aspects which require improvements, McDonald’